
Wendy Lynn Laursen

June 20, 1964 - March 13, 2025


Obituary For Wendy Lynn Laursen

Wendy Laursen, resident of Grande Prairie AB, passed away on March 13th, 2025, at the age of 60 years.

Wendy was born in Goodsoil SK, on June 20, 1964. She spent most of her childhood in Wanham AB, living with her father and attending school there. After school Wendy married Keith Heitrich and they had three sons together; Craig, Doug and Cory. During Wendy’s second marriage she was blessed with four bonus children: Britny, Jordyn, Jamie and Chad, which helped to fulfill her dreams of having a large family.

Wendy held various jobs in the community before going to school to become a safety auditor. She began her career in safety and transportation, working alongside her oldest son Craig. Eventually she started her own auditing business, while maintaining various positions in the safety and transportation industry. She was a tremendously hard worker and always put her best-efforts in.

It was important to Wendy to stay close to her kids. She was very handy in the kitchen. Always having treats and food ready when they stopped by to visit. She knew they would open the fridge to check for leftovers and would make sure there was something to eat. Wendy loved to be outside and it was rare for her to ever sit still. She enjoyed being at the lake, working in her yard and tending to her garden. When she was not outside, she was in the shop, woodworking and crafting.

Wendy was a wonderful mother and grandmother, who put her family before everything else. She was a strong resilient woman. Most could not endure what she had gone through in her life. However, she always found the positive in every situation and forged ahead.

She will be sadly missed by her children, Craig (Nicole), Douglas (Delona), Cory (Marley), bonus children, Britny, Jordyn, Jamie, Chad, grandchildren, Jocelyn, Colin, Ashton, Deacon, Sloan, Garner, bonus grandchildren, Karly, Charlie, Nixon, Beau, Tavish, Russell, as well as many other dear friends and family members.

She was predeceased by her father Alan Laursen.

It was Wendy’s request that no service be held. Wendy was never one for attention and wanted everyone to remember her and celebrate her life in whatever way feels fitting.

Memorial donations may be made to the Canadian Mesothelioma Foundation.

Donate by cheque: Please make out donations by cheque to the Canadian Mesothelioma Foundation and mail it to the CMF office at 4302-50 Yorkville Ave., Toronto ON, M4W 0A3.

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  • March 24, 2025

    I worked with Wendy at APA/RBA and will remember her "get er done" attitude with a smile on her face.

  • March 21, 2025

    Will miss you as we were childhood buddies having fun at Plowing Matches and chasing fog in the fields of Wanham where we grew up. Give Alan a big hug and you will be missed by many..Dixie

  • March 21, 2025

    My condolences to Wendy's family. I had not seen her since we went to school at Wanham. Gone much too soon.

  • March 20, 2025

    It was so sad to hear I meet Wendy through her first marriage and where very good friends , Wendy is a godmother for my son Garrett . My deepest condolences to her boys and there families, RIP my friend until we meet again 💔 Cindy knoblauch


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